Complete Guide to Setting Up Ambassador Edge Stack in Kubernetes

Complete Guide to Setting Up Ambassador Edge Stack in Kubernetes


3 min read

ingress & ingress controller architecture

1. Introduction

Ambassador Edge Stack (AES) is an advanced API gateway and Kubernetes ingress controller built on Envoy Proxy. It is designed to handle north-south traffic in cloud-native applications, making it a crucial component for microservices and service mesh architectures.

This guide provides a detailed, step-by-step approach to installing, configuring, and troubleshooting AES in a Kubernetes cluster. Whether you are deploying in Minikube, K3s, EKS, GKE, or AKS, this guide ensures a smooth setup.

2. Prerequisites

Before you proceed, ensure you have the following:

  • A running Kubernetes cluster (Minikube, K3s, EKS, GKE, AKS, etc.).

  • kubectl installed and configured.

  • Helm 3+ installed.

  • Internet access for pulling Docker images and configurations.

  • An Ambassador Cloud account (for Enterprise features).

3. Installing Ambassador Edge Stack

Step 1: Add the Helm Repository

First, add the official Ambassador Helm repository:

helm repo add datawire
helm repo update

Step 2: Install Ambassador Edge Stack

Deploy AES using Helm:

kubectl create namespace ambassador
helm install ambassador-edge-stack datawire/ambassador --namespace ambassador

Step 3: Verify Installation

Check if Ambassador pods are running:

kubectl get pods -n ambassador

Expected output:

NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ambassador-xxxxxxxx-xxxxx                 1/1     Running   0          2m

Step 4: Check Service Availability

kubectl get svc -n ambassador

If EXTERNAL-IP is <pending>, use port-forwarding:

kubectl port-forward svc/ambassador 8080:80 -n ambassador

Access AES at http://localhost:8080

4. Common Errors and Fixes

4.1 CloudConnectToken Required (License Issue)

Error Message:

ERROR cloud-license-provider licensemgt/cloud.go:258 unable to fetch license from ambassador cloud
ERROR cloud-license-provider licensemgt/cloud.go:415 ambassador edge stack requires a valid license to run.


  1. Sign up for a free license: Ambassador Cloud.

  2. Install the license:

     edgectl license install <LICENSE-KEY>
  3. Restart Ambassador pods:

     kubectl rollout restart deployment ambassador -n ambassador

4.2 Missing Gateway API CRDs

Error Message:

Warning, unable to watch, unknown kind.


Install Gateway API CRDs:

kubectl apply -f

Verify installation:

kubectl get crds | grep gateway

4.3 Client-Side Throttling

Error Message:

request.go:697] Waited for 1.092621791s due to client-side throttling


  • Reduce excessive API calls.

  • Optimize controller reconciliation.

5. Configuring Ambassador Edge Stack

5.1 Creating a Basic Mapping

Mappings define how requests are routed. Example:

kind: Mapping
  name: example-mapping
  namespace: ambassador
  prefix: /example/
  service: example-service

Apply it:

kubectl apply -f mapping.yaml

5.2 Configuring an Ingress Resource

Example Ingress resource for Ambassador:

kind: Ingress
  name: example-ingress
  namespace: ambassador
  - host:
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: example-service
              number: 80

Apply it:

kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

6. Debugging Issues

6.1 Checking Ambassador Logs

kubectl logs -l service=ambassador -n ambassador

6.2 Checking Ambassador Status

kubectl exec -it deploy/ambassador -n ambassador -- ambassador status

6.3 Checking Mappings

kubectl get mappings -n ambassador

7. Conclusion

In this guide, we covered:

  • Installing Ambassador Edge Stack using Helm.

  • Troubleshooting common errors like license issues and missing CRDs.

  • Configuring Ambassador with mappings and ingress resources.

  • Debugging issues using logs and commands.

Ambassador Edge Stack is a powerful tool for API management, traffic routing, and security. For advanced configurations, visit:

๐Ÿ”— Ambassador Documentation

8. Additional Resources

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